Here’s What Parents and Students Are Saying About Language & Learning’s Services

“I have noticed that our son’s organizational skills while reading have greatly improved…He also adores working with Holly. She is fun, energetic, engaging and interested in his life. They can quickly get down to work but have fun discussing highlights from a football game, a weekend outing or a good restaurant. Holly is incredibly personable and professional at the same time. She is knowledgeable in her field of educating children with learning differences. She is one tutor that I stick by for her knowledge as well as her personal connection to our son. He likes her so working with her is more “fun” than feeling like ‘work.'”

“N told me how much fun she had with you, and the games were a big hit. She said that you were playing with her as well as teaching her the secret to learning and making it fun. I’m so so happy. Thank you for all that you are doing to help N. I really appreciate it and am thankful. N was so impressed about how you were teaching and testing her. She still talks about you, even though she has met you only a few times so far.”

“In case we haven’t expressed it recently, just wanted to say thank you!!  Thank you for your wonderful support of C — you truly are excellent at your craft and C is so lucky to have the benefit of your depth of knowledge, your ability to break down concepts and teach them to him in concrete and meaningful ways, your patience with and belief in him, and your kind and fun personality.  Thank you.”

“I just wanted to say thank you.  You have been absolutely terrific Holly!  Seriously, we so appreciate that hard and effective work that you’ve done with D.  You have an amazing rapport with him — he’s clearly happy to work hard with you, all the while feeling safe/comfortable and he truly enjoys his session — pretty impressive!  I also can’t tell you how much I appreciate your excellent communications with me — your responsiveness to all requests (whether about progress, insurance, scheduling or otherwise), not to mention how quick, thorough and helpful you consistently are.  You are an absolutely pleasure on so many levels.  Most importantly though, your understanding of D’s strengths and challenges, the intentional way in which you approach D’s sessions (always thinking about the short and long term), and the progress you make with him is remarkable.  Thank you.” 

“Thank you for how thoughtfully and gently you are guiding S.  He always seems to feel like your engagement is entirely constructive and never judgmental — that is a gift.”

“The fact that his attention was on you and his work for 2 hours was impressive. Your breaking down the steps to plan out the work was helpful. He had no idea that this assignment was so detailed. I had suggested that he start his work before your call so that he would have intelligent questions for you and he kept saying that the assignment was just drawings. Sounds like he leaned a lot about what it was really all about. Your tricks allowed him to organize his plan of action, and the list was visual and something he could check off. These lessons are so valuable. Hopefully he learns the steps and can continue to use these strategies. You’re amazing. Thank you for your time, support, patience and friendship!!”
“It would be hard for me to overestimate Holly’s role in my children’s education.  She has helped my now 9th grader throughout middle school to develop the underlying skills needed to break down assignments into manageable pieces; organize her thoughts and information; and advance her writing in every way – from simple sentences to paragraphs to research papers.  Holly completely understands my daughter’s learning differences and how to build upon her strengths.  I’m grateful not only for the continued progress that my daughter has made with her, but for the positive “you can do this — let’s see how” take-away that has also come with the experience.   In addition to working for three years with my daughter, Holly has also begun to work with my son.  Though he was very reluctant to begin working with a tutor, his trepidation disappeared after just a couple of weeks.  Holly instantly built a great rapport with him.  He found confidence in his own abilities and the means to make his school work clearer to him.  He has told me that he likes working with Holly because “she doesn’t just give the answers – she gives me strategies to figure stuff out.”  My children come away from their sessions with a plan of action and a significant portion of their work completed.  I’ve seen how multiple classes, long-term assignments and projects can quickly overwhelm students with executive functioning weaknesses.  Instead of my children shutting down, as has happened in the past, they are figuring out how to manage their work and finding success. Holly had provided me with articulate reports that detail my daughter’s strengths, weaknesses, and concrete progress.  They have helped me better understand my child and done the same for her school teachers.   Holly is an amazing resource and gifted educator!”
“Thanks so much for all of your efforts on behalf of J. J has been lucky to have you. His analogy score went up on his SSAT practice test, so the strategies look like they worked. I know he walked into his prospective school admissions far more confident with the assistance you provided him on the essay.”

“A was elated following your last session. You are doing a great job at motivating her. I could not believe she could be that happy about doing an outline. Thank you!”

“Your thorough report really helped me understand where R struggles. I’m hoping it will make me and my husband more sensitive when we can’t understand why he does not get something. “
“I have to tell you, that you were K’s favorite part of summer at Lab School and I know she got the most out of her sessions with you. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts about K, I’m sure she’d say the same about you– that you were always a pleasure to be around. I can’t tell you how important your sessions were to making this a great summer. It could have been a really difficult summer, but she loves coming to see you and that made our summer. I also really appreciated the fact that you kept in touch and sent me details of K’s activities and her progress. It was great to have some tangible notes on what she was doing and how I could help reinforce things at home.”
“I wanted to send a note to let you know how beneficial your tutoring has been for J over the past two years.   I have been so impressed with how quickly you learned J’s academic strengths and weakness and tailored your tutoring sessions to meet his needs.   I have seen you successfully challenge and motivate J to meet his fullest academic potential.  Because J has worked with you both privately as well as in a school setting, I have been privy to the comprehensive, thoughtful and insightful evaluations that you have provided.   Very importantly, you have always gone the extra mile to help J . You have also patiently provided support and guidance to me while determining strategies for J — which I really appreciate.  To boot, my son and all the other kids that use you as a tutor, think you are terrific!”